Monday, June 7, 2010

Top 20 tips/facts about being pregnant

Stac made a top 20 and I liked it so here is mine....her's, of course, was not about being pregnant but I figured this is a part of my life right now so why not : )

1. It is ok to be fat. In fact this is the only time in life that I feel I SHOULD be fat. Im embracing it. So if you here me say...Im fat....dont correct me, just know that it is true and I am ok with it.
2. Your feet and ankles WILL swell. It's inevitable...might as well laugh at it!
3. Eat whatever you want...seriously...even if it is just a little of what you want....if you dont you will just be a grouch until you get it.
4. Now isn't the time to diet....see above
5. Pregnancy rage is BOUND to happen...mine unfortunatley....always happens at my husband and involves a pretty sharp (if not screaming) tone of voice and possibly cussing. Hopefully yours is as understanding as mine.
6. You will random...for no reason. Girls do this anyway I know...but when you are pregnant if is even more crying...more random...and for even less of a reason than before.
7. Do things that are convenient for you...cut your hair, dont wear makeup....just be as comfortable as possible! Who cares if you are living in yoga pants!
8. Random cravings can and will happen. You will be brushing your hair and fish sound really good right now! And so do Potato Stix!
9. Its ok to sleep 14 hours a not all of us have the time to do that....I did with my first and it was great. Dont feel guilty!
10. You will get charlie horses
11. You will get heartburn
12. You will get gas
13. You will throw up
14. You will get dizzy
15. You may even faint
16. Pregnancy is not a beautiful thing....the making of a baby may be...and the baby itself may be...but the the inbetween is not...see 10-15
17. You can go from happy to sad to mad to indifferent within moments...usually this has something to do with food or lack of
18. You start out eating hardly anything from being eating lots and lots of food all the back to eating hardly anything because your baby is so fat.
19. You will be asked the same questions one million times before you have the child ...whats the name, when are you due, is it a girl, is a boy,etc....learn to grin and bear it now...or pretend you dont hear them
20. Dont be discouraged...ever! You are giving up your body and self to bring a child into the world and even though the process may be horrific and mortifying at times....the outcome truely is spectacular!


Stac-face said...

Hahaha nice. Glad to inspire!

Barbara said...

I love this list, Jean! I totally remember all of it. I didn't have much heartburn, but a lot of all the other stuff. :) It's such a crazy time, and if you tell yourself to just roll with it, it can be an amazing few months. You are a great mama--to have learned these things, especially to not take yourself too seriously (which wasn't on your list, but implied).