Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Oldest Friend

Last night I was at one of my best friends house and I was just venting to her about silly stupid things in life and found myself just really thankful for her. After 15 years of friendship, Marianna is still one of those girls I could just cuddle up on the couch with on a friday night, paint our nails, talk about silly stuff and laugh till we cry. Marianna and I have known each other since we were 11 and 12. After living in different states several times, swearing never to talk to each other again, vowing to be best friends forever, watching each other grow in family and in love, seeing the worst and the best....we are a solid pair. DRAMA is how we were in highschool..but I would like to say we are a little better now : ) We worked at a day care together, went to the same church and youth group, graduated the same class, sang together in church and in school.We encouraged each other to pursue our hopes and dreams, picked each other up when our hearts were broken ....I cant even begin to tell you about all of our memories and adventures.

Marianna and I last fall when we found out we were moving back to Indiana : )
Marianna and my 8 month pregnant self, at her wedding
Marianna and myself right before graduation
Our youth group at the airport going to Word of Life in NY....Marianna and I close as usual
A group of our friends from high school, Christmas after we graduated
Walking to school together sophomore year
Two falls ago....still as gooofy as ever :)

Jubilees second birthday party

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