Friday, September 19, 2008

Bitter Sweet

Seeing things change in time can be kind of hard. I have a friend that lives in another state. Over time our relationship has a changed a little. We went from talking on the phone at least once a week to hardly talking every other month. It is so weird because there was one in point in time where I thought that I couldn't go without telling her every detail of my life and now I know there are details in her life and in mine they we both don't know anything about.

I talked to her on the phone today and it made me a little sad. She is getting married next week and I am unable to go to the wedding. We were joking about how much we have grown up. She is going to be a wife and I am going to be a mommy and it is just crazy. We always talked about reaching 18...can't wait to be 18...and 18 has done and passed 5 years ago. I know that relationships change like seasons, but I didn't want this one too. Not that we have a bad relationship...I just don't know how we are to the point that we hardly know the events in each others lives.

In spite of feeling a little sad and far away from my good friend...I am really happy. Jamie and I are starting a family and trying to make it in a strange place : ) It has been a hard road living here but we are making it and I am excited that we have let change and challenges into our lives! We stepped out of our comfort zone and I feel like I can start to see this place as a home. I get so giddy thinking about being parents. It is going to be so hard...and I am a little nervous...but what a wonderful gift! To bring a whole new person into the world and bring her up in Christ's love. I love her so much already... I can't imagine loving her anymore and I haven't even met her!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Time and distance do have a way of changing our friendships. But GOD does have a way of recycling friendships and bringing people back into our lives. So don't give up on the older friendships. Just be the caring person you are, and you never know what tomorrow might hold. HUGS!

P.S. I think you are going to be awesome Mom, Jean! :)