Friday, March 13, 2009

some of the things I love

I love my husband! He is my bestest friend and I have no idea what I would do without him. That sounds so cliche but I feel like he is one of the biggest blessings in my life.

I love my daughter...she is hilarious, stubborn, and gorgeous. I am so proud of her.

I love love love watching Jamie hold Jubilee when he comes home...she just grins and grins...

I love having a clean house. This is a new love, I must confess...I used to never care. Funny how now that I have no time I care!

I love my cats. They are so cute and perfect for cuddling with.

I love a good cup of coffee...lots of flavored cream and splenda.

Did I say splenda? I LOVE that Jamie and I have completely changed our eating habits. There are no chips, cookies, cakes, ice cream or junk food in this apartment! (We do have a bag of hersheys kisses though...when we think we cant take it we have one or two of those.) We have been eating fruits and veggies like never before and counting calories. Jamie has lost ten pounds since we started and I have lost three!!

I love green peppers... I can eat them like candy...raw and without anything added

I love the northwest suburbs!

I love the cubs!

I love that our house is a mish mash of hand-me-downs and good deals. Nothing matches!

I love that my hair and my nails are getting long! I almost always keep both short.

I love our dodge truck. Its such a trooper and has been so reliable.

I love our church family. You already knew that though : )

I love Peru and everything and everyone in and around it

I love our families...and our family

I love my God. He is amazing and I am thankful He is teaching me.

Im sure there is more I love...I just dont have a lot of time to write about it : )

1 comment:

bridget said...

Remember the time you licked the table, so I cut an entire pepper just for you?
You are wonderful :)