Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Peace At Last

I struggled for a long time about being here in the Chicago area. Everything was so different and new, not to mention I had my own big change happening with being pregnant. Jamie adjusted to the suburb life from the start. I, however, had a daily struggle with it. I was always praying about it and trying to keep an open mind. "God brought us here for a reason" " I will feel more at home sooner or later" "God is in control". I dont think I ever doubted this is where we were supposed to be. Jamie and I prayed for months before making this move, asking God to close or open the door according to His will in our lives. So when Jamie got the job, we found an apartment, and had the means to move financially, we took it as God's will. (Especially since it all happened in the last two weeks before we moved!)

It has been a little bit of a hard start for me here...but I am finally to the point where I can say...Yes, I like living here. Jamie loves his job and I love mine as well. We both get along with our coworkers and don't have to much drama and stress to deal with during our work hours. We also love our church family and are excited to be involved and plugged in! We LOVE sundays! We are starting to get to know the area pretty well so it isn't frustrating when we want to go and get groceries or get a haircut. We know where to go now and can even give directions to a stranger! (I thought I would never be able to do that!) Another thing that is surprising to me is we love the diversity here. At first it was scary and challenging to be in such a diverse area, but now we are learning so much about different cultures and ethinicities that it is exciting!

Yesterday we went to the Linkin Park Zoo with Alena and Belles. The fall tress were so pretty downtown with a background of GORGEOUS architecture. The zoo was wonderful and the weather was perfect. As we were walking I looked over at Jamie and said "We live here...we live less than 30 miles from here". He smiled and I knew that he felt good about it as I did.

It has been a HUGE challenge to move here and adjust...but I am so thankful that we let God take us out of our comfort zone and experience new things away from people and places we know everything about. Of course we will always cherish those people and places in our heart and appreciate them even more when we see them...who knows we may move back one day, you never know. I am just thankful that we have new places and people to learn from and grow with.

Thank you, Lord, for this new oppurtunity and a peace within my heart. Thank you for the feeling of "home" being restored in my life.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Isn't God good?! He lets us work thru a struggle, patiently waiting, and then gives us this amazing peace. I'm so thankful for the opportunities He's given you guys to grow--and I'm encouraged to see how He's working in your lives and how you are allowing Him to work. Love you, Jean! Thanks for sharing!