Thursday, November 13, 2008


My Jamie is so stinkin' good to me! Last night he not only took the old nail polish off my piggies from AUGUST but he also clipped my nails and painted them a pretty coral color : ) Lord knows I can't reach them myself at this point! They look so pretty and I feel so good about them. Everytime I look at them I get giddy. It's a cute little reminder of just how much he loves me. Tuesday was our anniversary and we just stayed home all day in our pajamas. It was wonderful. watched a couple of movies, took a nap together, ate some left over turkey (Sunday was my Thanksgiving with my parents) and played a little guitar hero. I love days like that. I love doing anything with him! When we were laying in bed, Jamie grabbed his cool mp3 player phone and put some music on my belly. Then he got all excited and giddy about how Ju-ju would react. He would move the phone around and she would follow it! I just think that is amazing! He turned off the lights and was playing with my hair and he said " I love you. Thank you for carrying my baby. I don't know if I could do it and I appreciate you." He hasnt said that one yet and I was glad to hear it. It was one of those things where I knew he felt like that...but was a total guy and forgot that he might want to tell me that sometime : ) Boys.... haha I truely am blessed to have a guy who is sensitive to what I need and want and what I am feeling.

Last weekend was great! Mom and Dad and Guy were here from Friday evening until Tuesday early morning! We went and looked at shops, played guitar hero, played some card games, had a Thanksgiving dinner, watched a movie, and I even was able to help mom make a fleece blanket for her living room! Mom also helped me organize my closet (I needed it desperatly) and set up our crib! Everything is almost ready for Ju-ju's arrival! Now If I could get my house to stay clean permanently! ; ) I was sad when my parents left. It just didn't seem long enough. BUT they are planning on coming back here in about...9 WEEKS!

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