Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Don't Like School as Much as You Can Without Hating It

Jamie wants me to think about going back to school. UGH. I reallly dislike it. Blah. Here's the pros and cons are you ready?

I get free tuition to any state college
There are two 15 minutes from here
It would be good if we ever needed to fall back on something
It would be nice to help out
I would actually have seen something through
I would have a degree
I would have some kind of social life
Did I mention free tuition?

I DO NOT like school

Yea I know...probably being selfish

I want to go for nursing if I go. I think I love being there for people and it starts with a two year degree, is flexible, can work on midnights, helps more than working at famvid....soooo yea. Also I never saw any of my other schooling I would be accomplishing something (Does this ad to my pro list?)

I know I am being ridiculous because I stay at home with the girls. I do other stuff to like textbroker and clean and blog and clean...and that really does make me busy...but two years could fly by and I wouldn't have to be TOO stressed out. I just don't know....gonna pray about it.

1 comment:

Jessica May Lords said...

Do it! You won't regret it. Growing up with a stay at home mom, at least when we were really little, I was always proud that my mom went to college. It made me think she was really smart and accomplished, and CHOSE to spend time with us when she could have had a really fancy pants job. And that was just when I was in grade school. A college education will be a wonderful example to your girls. When my mom went back to work, she was able to get a great job at the library and was able to be promoted bc of her education.

I didn't like high school at all but I liked college the majority of the time. And nursing is a great profession - I have actually considered going back to school for nursing or midwifery. And for it to be free??? My $16,000 loans are jealous... and they used to be $26,000!!