Friday, August 9, 2013

Lunch Ideas

Here's a list of lunches I have grown to love!

Anything Goes Smoothie
I usually pick something green (spinach) 
A fruit or two
And then add almond milk and flax seed freshly ground. Yummy! If you want something icy freeze your raspberries or bananas before hand :)

The Mac
Boil vegetable enriched mac, add homemade hummus and nutritional yeast. My kids live this one!

The Mexican Mac
^^^^^^ just replace hummus with refried beans. 

Thai Cabbage Wrap
Fill raw cabbage leaves with raw broccoli slaw and walnuts and drizzle Thai peanut sauce over them. I seriously ate seven of these one day for lunch!

Old Soul Quesadilla 

This one isn't my own... My friend Rachel invented it and I love it! Whole wheat tortilla, peanut butter, honey, flax meal. Grill. Enough said!

Zucchini Pizza

My mom found something similar to this so we made it together. Thinly slice zucchini the long way and set on a sprayed pan. Sprinkle basil, oregano, Italian seasoning, garlic salt. Place tomato slices and sprinkle with nutritional yeast. (Since I am a vacation vegetarian we did parmesan :}) bake at 400 until they are a soft as you prefer them.  

Simple Spud

 Another recipe mom whipped up. Baked potato with olive oil, garlic salt, chives, nutritional yeast. 

Alright! More to come :) thanks for reading and let me know if you try anything/ have anything to share!

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