Monday, August 27, 2012

No Time for Blogging

I do appologize to the small amount of readers I have. I have been swamped this summer! I can't feel too bad about it though because I have been trying to use my time to do things like jog, read devos with the hubster, play outside, make play dates, traveling and working and maintaining a semi clean home somewhere in all that :) The girls are getting so big! Jubilee is 3 and a half and spelling her name, counting, recognizing letters, writing letters when you tell her which to write, praying, asking questions about who Jesus is, loving friend time, coloring like crazy, and just always a big helper! Justice is spelling her name, working on counting to 13, working on shapes, learning colors, loving on animals, singing, praying, helping lil Jovie, cuddling any chance she gets, and climbing on everything! She is my little monkey! Jovie is crawling everywhere, eating 35%table food, saying things like daddy mommy and hi, standing while holding on to someones hands, has two teeth, and likes to put her head down and ram her sisters, like a rhino :P Jamie got a new job over the summer. He works for a place called Biolife. The company he works for pays their clients to give plasma up to two times a week. Jamie is in the first stage where he checks their blood levels by pricking their finger, checks vitals and asks a series of questions which all determines if one can donate that day or not. We are super blessed to have it and may be moving to Kokomo soon to be closer :) I have been working here and there at my infamous burger institute. It's not terrible and I like the people enough. I was working the overnight shift but that had to go once Jamie got his job. My bosses have been super gracious with me in letting me work around his schedule. Running has been an absolute blessing. I am averaging about 14 minute miles. I try to run/walk for a half hour three times a week. My eating habits need a tune up since I have been taking a break from juicing and trying to eat small portions....small portions doesn't add up when it is deep fried buffalo wings dipped in ranch! LOL I think that is where I am leaving it for now...more later!

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