Friday, February 25, 2011

Exercise Can Be Fun...Right?

I am always hearing things about how great dance is for you, it is supposed to be great cardio. Also I LOVE Zumba and Turbo Jam...SO I am trying something for a week to see how it goes.

I have been eating a consistant diet of 1600- 1900 cals a day. I haven't gained but I haven't really lost either. I have kept the five lbs, that I lost, off. I am going to be as strict as I can with my diet... 1600 a day. AND I am going to have a dance party, with Juju, for a week and see if it helps me lose. This is just an experiment and is for fun. I will dance 45 minutes a day with Juju, to any songs that I choose. I will let you know how it goes! It could be silly...but it's fun regardless and the girls get a kick out of it.

I was at 231 this we go!

1 comment:

Stac-face said...

Good for you! Keep at it and you will be so happy you did! I am so proud of you!