Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I feel like God has been working on my heart in a few areas lately...

The first one is finances. He has really. been. working. on. me. Really, it has been a hard road. I feel like I am still coming to terms with the fact that we aren't as blessed as other people when it comes to finances. But that is ok. I am still learning how to use the things that I DO have to glorify Him. I find it funny how much I want to do and give to other people. Like God gave me this heart of hospitality, but that I don't have much to do with it. I am learning that the things I find precious and mean a lot to me, may not to other people, but I shouldn't be ashamed to share them just because of how they are valued to others.

The next one is being green! I have been really convicted by Pastor Kirk's discussions lately about caring for creation. This world was given to us and we really aren't taking care of it. I know I am just one person but I am going to start recycling once we move and maybe even start a garden. I am going to shove my kids outside and let them just soak up nature and learn from the things God put right in front of us. I am also getting rid of stuff that is just sitting in our house that we don't use and donating it to people who may need it...not just want it.

Number three would be church politics. For the longest time I have stayed away from this subject. I hate politics...they confuse me and make me worry about the right and wrong decision. They just really take me out of my comfort bubble. I have been thinking lately how important it is for people my age to step up, be involved, and apart of church politics. We may not like how things are run or how things are set up...but who is going to grow the church if we all just sit at home on our ass'. I'm worried that the church will die, I wonder if our parents or there parents ever thought this too....maybe I am worrying way to much. Either way...I know I am just one person...once again...I need to do what I can. Don't get me wrong, I do know that church can be in more than just one setting, I am just worried that the idea of meeting in the name of the Lord and sharing with one another will be gone sooner than we think.

My last conviction is a bit of a controversy, but I am tired of not talking about it. I have finally got to the point that I just become upset about how ignorant people are about this topic.

Homosexuality and the church. I am so tired of people saying things about homosexuals and how they are unworthy of God's love, or can't truly be saved. This group of people is loved by God exactly the same as we are. I do think that homosexuality is a sin, the Bible clearly shows God does not favor it. (When He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah) BUT He also does not favor:

hoarding -when the Israelites kept extra manna for themselves in disbelief God would not provide more, God rotted it and brought bugs and mold into their camp.
lust- David lusted after another man's wife and the result was a curse upon his house and his baby dying
jealousy- Cain was jealous of Abel and killed him...sending him to wander and struggle all of his days
gossip- the snake in the garden went around gossiping and spreading uncertainties to Adam and Eve which resulted in man's first sin and hardships for mankind as we know it

I can go on and on...point is...a sin is a sin and I am NOT going to sit here and say that someone who lives the homosexual lifestyle is less than I am or is unworthy to sit in a church and listen to God's word. Like Pastor Paul says "I don't care if they come and sit in my church, as long as they are prepared to hear what the Bible says about it"

It is not my place to judge people, it is God's. I do believe that there are people living this lifestyle that are saved and are going to heaven. All man lives in sin and continues to sin up until the day he dies, and it isn't my place to say that their struggle is a worse struggle than my own.

If we aren't willing to show others the love of Christ, than who will?

Feel free to leave comments about any of the above topics. I'm stepping off my soap box for now. ; )

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