There is so much around me that I see will be changing soon. In a few months (if all plans go as planned and if all is in Gods will) we will be moved to Indiana....which means new neighbors, new store, new staff, new home, new places to get lost in and Church shopping all over again. And then just a few months after that Hager Jr. number 2 will be here....and we get to readjust our lives even more.
I embrace the change. I know that it is where we feel we are supposed to be and I am confident we will adjust. But of course I will miss some of the things I have grown to love here.
Indiana will be great because we will be closer to all kinds of family and life long friends. The pace will be slower...buying a house might be an option one day as the cost of living is so much lower. We may not be lower class anymore : ) LOL I miss the corn and country and I miss how everyone is a little more backwoods than the people out here, who look at our rusted out Dodge and cant understand WHY we would want to keep it.
Leaving Illinois will be hard. We have grown to love certain people so much. Some of the people out here have helped us through the hardest times in our lives. Its nice to have access to all kinds of ethnic restaurants and markets and the diversity is amazing.
I guess the part that upsets me most is leaving people behind. I get so attatched durn it!
I feel good that we are coming back to Indiana because we WANT to. Not because we have to or didn't make it or something silly like that. We just miss the slower pace and we are working to get back there.
Its been a hard road trying to figure out if this is what God has for us. It seems as though he just keeps opening doors and closing doors to push us in the right direction....even some of our closest friends out here have walked out of our lives.
I am sure I will have a melt down or two before all these changes come into affect...but I am excited and ready!
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