*warning* If you are an extremely sensitive person and take too much heart please read disclaimer at the bottom of this entry BEFORE reading the rest of this blog.
I am completely obsessed with going into labor! I cannot stop thinking about it! All I want to do is deliver this child! I feel like I have gone completely insane! I am constantly thinking "Will it be now? How about tonight? What was that little ache? What was that little pain? IS SHE COMING OR WHAT?!?!?!) I know I am still 8 days away from my due date...anything can happen! It could be now, right on my due date, or they might have to induce me because my little butterball turkey has decided she is more comforable in my belly! She has got to be close to 8.5 lbs by now, what more could she need to do in there?!?! She is just putting on layers and kicking me in the ribs...she can put on layers out here and kick me in the face for all I care!! I JUST WANT HER OUT! ** To make matters worse...for some reason every single person you encounter has to say some little comment to you as if you have never heard it or even want to hear it. " When are you due? OH that is so soon! Could be any day now..." Thank you so much I didn't know that. "Is it a boy or a girl? What is the name? Oh that is interesting/nice/pretty." Thank you, I will sleep better now knowing that you like it. Then you have the people who think for some reason you want to hear the WORST experience they know of. "My daughter in law was in labor for 48 hours" "I know of a girl who had trouble because her baby's feet got caught in her rib cage" "You know, it could be a whole month after your due date that you go into labor" Well thank you so much for sharing...I am going to go home and cry now. And then of course you have your advice givers. "Get all the rest you can now" "You shouldn't be working anymore! You need to stay at home and rest" (which I am not working anymore just to let you know) "If you want her to come faster you should walk more" "Dont eat spicy food, drink caffiene, blah blah blah" You are the only person who has told me that this entire 9 months! I know that every single person who has said something to me or commented or given me common knowledge advice is just doing it because they are just genuinly interested in my life. I just want my identity back...the only thing people know me for right now is the pregnant lady...so for some reason that is all they talk to me about. I appreciate that everyone cares and all that mess....but I am just ready to be Jean again...not pregger Jean. Am I crazy? Is this normal to be feeling all of this?!?
**Disclaimer: the previous comments and opinions are those of an insane pregnant lady. Any sarcastic comments may or may not be slightly true. This blog was written so that everyone could get a good laugh...none of the following comments should be taken personally or with seriousness as I am a basket case.
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