SO Jamie and I have been taking a step back and looking at our eating habits. After listening to what celebrity vegans have to say we thought about the health benefits that could offer us...but came to the conclusion that not only are we ok with eating diary but some meats too.
In efforts to fix our unhealthy eating habits, for the sake of our economic situation and also because why the heck not....we have decided to slowly, settle into more of a vegetarian lifestyle. For now. Now we will have fish or chicken once or twice a week....we are slowly eating through the meat we had in our freezer (no need to waste)...and if someone had us over for steaks we wouldn't decline. This is more of a project to focus on the things that are good and natural that we can put into our bodies and to make it a habit in our lives.
At first I was completely overwhelmed! But Stac gave me some pretty good guidelines to start out with.
After reading her beginners steps I realized my biggest concern is going to be getting enough protein. SO we will be drinking a little more milk, including either a bean or some sort of nut at dinner times, maybe even have cottage cheese a little more often. I am excited that we are trying new things and that we will not be spending so much on meat!
So far we had one night where we had a veggie stir fry, this afternoon Jamie had pita bread and hummus for lunch instead of a lean pocket, I had a peanut butter bagel...and for dinner we are making tomato and mozzarella melts...YUMMMM :)
This is awesome! And definitely easy to do. Bryan and I only ate meat 1-2 times a week for about two years. It saves money and makes you work harder to find cool recipes, so you're not eating the same thing over and over again. We ate LOTS of beans and found out how much we loved them. In the crock pot, you can make a ton for really cheap, and they're tasty, with a lot less sodium.
I think you guys will do great, and it must feel good to know that you're helping your kiddos by eating more veggies (including your unborn kiddo!).
Yay! I'm so proud of you two! You're gonna do great and I know you can make it work. Let me know if you need any help! And remember: I'm here if you need any tips or encouragement. Love you!
Thanks for the support, ladies! Jessica- I was thinking about the whole bean thing and it would be WAY cheaper to make them in the crock pot...maybe even fool around making my own hummus... Whats your fav beans?
Awesome! I'm interested too! You are very inspiring!! Where did u find these guidelines to get started!?
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