Friday, April 13, 2012

Marianna: Why didn't you answer your phone?!
Bryan: It was on airplane mode!
Marianna: OKAAAAY....
Bryan: I swear!
Marianna: I'm going to airplane your @#$%# with my fist!!!!

Jamie: I love how the disney princesses just come up with these rhyming lyrics off the top of their heads...they could be like rap stars
Jubilee: I just love Justice. She is my best friend. And Jovie too.

Marianna: I cant breath with all this smoke in my eyes!

Jubilee: Mommy, I have to go potty
Me: Okay lets look through the store and find you a bathroom
Jubilee, hanging her head in shame: It's ok...I just didn't want to walk anymore

Jamie: Why don't you have your N7 tags around your neck?!
Jean: They are on my purse!
Jamie: If they were MY tags I would have them around my neck at all times!
Jean: You know that I have my purse more often than my head!

Jamie to Jean: You are not here when you're not here!

Jean: Uhm what are you doing in my bedroom?
Justice: Hiiii
Jean: Hi.....
Justice: How are you?
Jean: are you?
Justice: gooooo
Jean: What are you doing?
Justice: I dont know
Jean: you don't know huh
Justice: I know I dont know (runs away)

Jubilee about a fly: We had to kill it coz it was a scary spider and it was gonna get us and its dangerous (flailing her hands around in a kung fu-ish way)

Jubilee is giving Justice a hug when Justice decks her...
Me: Justice! Give your sister a hug right now and tell her you are sorry
Justice (crying): Soooowwwwwy
Jubilee: I am just so confused right no

Jubilee talking about soap: Mommy can I have some more soak

Me: Jubilee I asked to stop touching things I dont want to have...
Jubilee: Mom you need to calm down...
(Just so you know I did tell her sternly that she is NOT allowed to talk to me like that...but inside I was going BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA)

Me: Justice, I love you
Justice: I lub uw too

Me: Justice, please sit down
Justice: OKAY....
Hmmmm...where does she get THAT from??? Just a hint...its Jubilee...


Stac-face said...

Hahaha, I love the one where Juju is at Walmart! "It's okay....I just didn't want to walk anymore..." She's growing up so fast!!!! So adorable.

Skipper Lou said...

I know she totally is! AND can I just say that you made me LOL because you assumed I was in walmart and I didn't mention I was :) HAHA it makes me evaluate how often I go to walmart :D