Saturday, January 3, 2009

More aches and more waiting

There are so many little aches and pains that have been happening lately! The closer I get to my due date, the more I feel handicapped! Monday for no reason at all I almost ate dirt! I was standing at my pastor's house (and had been for a few minutes) when all the sudden my legs went out and everything in the room became fuzzy. I almost passed out, which is something that has never happened before, and if Jamie hadn't been right there then I would have hit the floor! I couldnt talk for like a minute I was soooo out of it. Last night my back started going into spazms (I have no idea if this is from being pregnant but I have no reason to believe that it is from anything else.) It was like spastic and stabbing at the same time and I was not happy. A heating pad and some tylenol helped...but I am afraid it will come back since I have back pain all the time. In between my back pains and nearly passing out I feel like I am carrying a bowling ball in my pelvis. If I sit for too long I can hardly walk let alone stand up without Jamie helping me up. Socks are impossible to put on anymore and bending over is a nightmare! My hips and legs hurt when I wake up in the morning...because I have to sleep on my side and I have a lot of pulling from my legs being crossed and pulling on my belly. Cramping and false labor pains are accompanied by acid reflux on a daily basis now. *sigh* I really am not meaning to complain...I just didn't know that pregnancy took this much out of a person. And those are just the physical aspects! I can't believe how fast my moods can change. I get angry fairly easy...and I don't like that at all! I know that she will come in her own time...but I am just so ready! I was watching the episode of friends where Pheobe has the triplets and instead of going...oh my gosh! that poor girl...I was going...I AM SO JEALOUS! I WANT TO HAVE MY BABY : )

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