Just some updates about our lives...
I am working 14-20 hours a week and actually don't mind it to much. I like the people I work with and they like me too. Whenever I get stressed I just tell myself...it's just a burger, it's just a coke....and it really works. So work works for me.
Jamie has been pretty convicted about finding full time work. He is looking everywhere, even places he doesn't want to go. He is convinced that he wants to work full time, school full time and have me stay home full time. We have been making it work with the unemployment and the part time work but he just wants to know that we are taking care of. I love that about him. I think he knows how much my heart just aches to be home too. Our house isn't quite where I want it, and it is no ones fault, it is what it is. I told him I was willing to step it up at work but he really feels God is calling him to take it all on for this season of life (prayers for direction please!)
Jamie has straight A's and is working his butt off! I am so proud of him!
Jubilee is fully potty trained. She is even waking up at night and letting us know that she needs to go potty! I never didn't know if this day would come and I am stoked! She can spell her name and is working on Justice's name. She knows way more about things than I expect her too and she just cracks me up with her random sayings. She has been into all the disney princess stuff lately and more barbies then babies. She wants her hair and toe nails done and she loves to where dresses and be a princess. Today she asked Daddy about holes in her ears...something we need to decide. She is a big helper, in love with her sisters and just a sweet little girl.
Justice is starting to say things too! She can generally tell me what she wants or if she is happy or sad. Sometimes she resorts to throwing a fit before communicating but we will get there :) She is so attached to Megamind right now, we watch it everyday! She loves to nourish her baby dolls or cuddle with mom, dad or her sisters. She wants so badly to be as big as Juju. She gets excited when you ask her to throw something away or have her bring you something. She also loves being praised for it :) AND she has been saying "Aw man!" and that just kills me! She is a spit fire when she is ticked but we are making progress!
Jovie is getting so big! I think she will be outgrowing 12 mos before she even reaches 9 months! She loves to sit in her saucer and rock. If you hold her in church she will rock on your lap :) She is always smiley and looooves elmo and yo gabba gabba...I think all three of our girls do. She loves things that crinkle so I bought her an elephant that makes crinkle noises and she adores it. She also loves blankies and soft things like stuffed animals.
I haven't had a whole lot of time to do the extra things I enjoy. Like blogging, crocheting, organizing and being creative. I spend the time I have cuddling with my girls and cleaning the kitchen and laundry. I know it is just for a season but sometimes it is hard.
I love our friends that we have around here and they make me super happy. People I invest in and vice verse. I also find a part of me missing people who are far away. For instance I haven't seen my brother in nearly a year and when I think about it, it rips my heart out. But then I remember that we are both in important seasons of life and we are doing things to better our "tomorrow". I try to keep that in mind with all the people I love that are far away.
I really like myself right now. I am still working on my weight, but I am not killing myself over it. I am doing the best I can in this section of my life. I try to watch what I eat and make good decisions and I am just praying it allows me to be healthier in the long run. My hair is growing out a little bit, not where I want it, but getting there and I like it. I like the way stuff fits right now and I like my unfashionable sense of style. I just like me. I know alot of that is because I know Christ is in me and He likes me :) ok...He loves me. It's just a great place to be.
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