Monday, November 24, 2008

The Blues?

I am going through this thing that I dont like. If I am home by myself during the day I start to get slightly sad. I am not sure it is's not like I am crying. I just get sad. When Jamie is home, I am fine. When we have people over, I am fine. When I am at work, I am (usually) fine. But when I am at home during the day I just start thinking about family and friends and struggles and schedules and everything else....and I just get sad. Sometimes I think it could be really easy to slip into a depressed mode...but I really do try to fight it. Also Christmas is kind of up in the air this year, seeing as I don't know what will be going on at that point in time and financially we aren't going to be able to do anything for anyone this year. I love Chistmas and it makes me sad that I cant go Christmas shopping I dont know if this feeling is normal? Is it because I am pregnant? Is it because it is winter? Is it both? I am not sure... but I am praying that I get over it soon because I dont like feeling so unstable.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

It sounds like a pregnancy thing, Jean, but I'm no expert. HA! Do you have people you can call when you get down? Or maybe a happy CD to listen to? Nothing gets my spirits back up like listening to an old musical like the Sound of Music or My Fair Lady. But we each have to find our own thing that lifts us back up. Hang in there. Love ya!

P.S. Yes, Barbara and I are going to have to come and visit you after Jublilee's arrival. That would be a lot of fun!