Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bug Holocaust

Yesterday was Jamie's day off...we slept in a while...I had a doctors appointment....and I was thinking to myself....cornbread and beans sound SO good for lunch. So I went out and got some bacon and bean soup and came home all set to make lunch. Pulled the Jiffy cornbread mix out of the cabinet.....and there were little itty bitty bugs in it....also known as flour bugs. I was so disappointed and not to mention freaked out. So I threw the box away not really thinking much of it as these things DO happen.

Jamie told me not to fret he would make curry instead! Yum! I love his I told him I would get the rice ready. Guess what. More bugs! Now I am in FREAK OUT mode! Start pulling my dry goods out of the cabinet to find them in noodles, rice, mixes, flour, pretty much alllll of my dry goods! At this point I was so upset I just started throwing it all away even if it wasn't opened!

I immediatley got out bleach and soap and water and started scrubbing all the cabinets out, demanding Jamie take out all the garbage immediately and vacuum and take out the canister...NO MORE BUGS! I was on a mission! I know these things happen to people...but I felt so dirty. YUCK!

Joyce came by and surprised us last night with new groceries (she is a flippin' saint) and ziploc baggies to put everything in until this problem subsides for good. As far as I know the bugs are gone but it makes me feel so uneasy!

Have you ever had this happen?!? What did you do? Where you a freak like me? ; )


Stac-face said...

I remember once Dave and I didn't change the garbage for a long time, and when I finally did it, there were maggots hatching in the garbage and squished maggots lining the sides and bottom of the garbage can. GROSS. I was about to just toss the can too, but Dave convinced me that we didn't have the 20 bucks to buy a new one, so I just scrubbed the daylights out of it in the tub. Still makes me shiver to this day.

Jessica May Lords said...

YUCK!!! I once found bugs in a bag of organic brown rice... guess they didn't use pesticides for REAL. It was GROSS, especially since I didn't see the bugs until I'd poured a bunch into our rice cooker. After that I felt like they were everywhere (thankfully they were not).

And like Stacey's story... in college we had two garbage cans, one in the far corner of our kitchen, one under the sink. I forgot about the one under the sink and left for spring break. I was the first one back from break, and I came into the apartment to find a LOT of flies. I couldn't figure out where they were coming from. Finally I remembered the garbage under the sink.... as soon as I opened the cabinet door dozens more flies flew out. In the time it took to get the garbage can from the sink to the porch, HUNDREDS of flies had escaped into the apartment and there were maggots allll over the garbage. It was a cheapo IKEA garbage can for three bucks, so we just threw it out, and I was happy for that!!!

darthchester said...
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darthchester said...

Breaking News - Preggo-zilla Starts Bug Holocaust. Horse flies ally with dung beetles to face their foe! More on this story as it develops.

Skipper Lou said...

LOL GUY! you are so funny bro