Well I think I got a lot accomplished on my to do list!
* Clean house in case guests come for the weekend -Aaron, Allison, and Landon came and we had a clean house : ) we had a blast with them!
*Buy Thanksgiving-ish type things to have yet another early thankgiving!!- we also had an early thanksgiving with them and are still eating leftovers : )
*Find out if I am working Thanksgiving day and plan accordingly-on Thanksgiving I only work 1-5 and then we will be off to Pastor Kirk and Joyce's house for the evening!
*Find a dress and a gift for Marianna's wedding- I found a dress! Rachel helped me find one last week and I think it will do just fine! Thanks, Rach!
*Practice for praise and worship the sunday after Thanksgiving-uhm...I need to do this haha
*Remind Jamie to take a day off for Marianna's wedding-Jamie took this day off!! YAY!
*Go to the wedding- coming up here soon...week and a half!
*Set up the Christmas tree somewhere in there- We decided to set it up on Thanksgiving day!!!
*Register at our hospital- I am registered!!!
*Find out if and when our insurance is switching and if they will cover me until after delivery!!- I found a loop hole! I dont have to switch until after Jubilee is born!
*Come up with a "hey Jamie, my water just broke" plan so that there isn't too much confusion ; )- We decided that we are going to give a spare key to someone for the cats, and have everything else packed and ready and in our vehicle here in a few weeks! That includes directions in case someone gets panicky ; )
*Find out what part I have in the Christmas Eve Program at church (and no I dont mean Mary...I meant as far as singing hehe)- still dont know haha
*Pack a hospital bag- not quite there yet
*Go find this hospital of mine and tour it- eek! I really really need to do this
*Get a lamaze video from the library, as insurance doesnt cover such costly classes- and this
*Christmas shop-uhm still not sure what is going on with that haha
And who even knows what could happen from there!!!!! Not to mention my dr. appointments are becoming much more frequent. I should probably pay bills and work somewhere in there...not to mention eat, sleep, and breath!!!!- Yes I have still been eating and breathing and especially sleeping! So looking back on it all I guess I have gotten quite a bit done, eh?
1 comment:
Wow, you've been a busy little bee getting all that stuff done! Enjoy your Thanksgiving..even though you have to work. I'm thankful you're feeling so well and still able to work. :)
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