Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Don't Panic!

I was kinda sorta freakin out on Monday because I found out that if we were going to change our insurance from ppo to hmo we had to do it NOW and not after Jubilee is born. AND it had to be done by the 15th of December...EEK! So Monday I was pulling my hair out telling Jamie that we needed a list of doctors to choose from and looking online at things and yada yada yada. Yesterday I couldn't even deal with it. I just decided to clean the house instead and give it a rest in my head. Then today I was on the phone all day with people...I found out there are two types of hmo and that some doctors offices only accept one of them. I finally found one, haven't met the guy but I am just hoping he is nice! Went over to his office to fill out all the paper work and I have my first appointment with him tomorrow morning! (They were pretty anxious to get me in as I am 5 weeks and 3 days away from my due date!) They also had me fill out forms to get all of my records transfered...I don't really like all that stuff...paper work and forms and YUCK! SO now I have this doctor who I am covered by at the moment and will be on the 15th. Pray that I like him haha. Jamie is very happy about it because the hospital he has rights at is only 8 miles away from us instead of 22. (Chicago miles are not like Indiana miles...if you want to get 22 miles away in Peru it takes about 22 it doubles if not triples according to we were looking at a 30-50 min drive originally. Now we are looking at 15 mins.) SO I suppose it is a good thing if it puts my Baybee's mind at ease : )
I see God working in every single moment of our lives right now. I feel his presence and I feel a growth that I haven't felt in a long time. I know that there are areas I am being challenged in but it is a good thing and I am thankful.
Hope you guys have a grand remaining week!


Barbara said...

Yeah! maybe this whole insurance switch-a-roo thing will turn out for the best in the end. Sounds like it's already better w/ shorter drive to hospital. Bags packed yet? :)

Skipper Lou said...

haha no not yet! I am thinking I should probably do that SOON