Thursday, August 20, 2009

Suburbs vs. Small Town

I am often going back and forth on the things I love about small town living and the things I love about the suburbs. I could live in either one and never be completely satisfied because I would always miss something about the other.

Small Town

I loved the cost of living! It was so much cheaper to rent and buy groceries not to mention gas!

I love being able to drive 3 miles in 3 minutes. Never have to worry about traffic.

I really miss being able to walk all the way across town in an hour...or just down to the grocery to pick out something for dinner.

I miss apple orchards and pumpkin patches and corn fields...I love driving through the country.

I miss knowing all my neighbors and being minutes within family


If I want sushi I walk 15 minutes and its fresh!

There are 3 walmarts within ten miles of me. Nuff said

I love that I can pick from asian market, hispanic market, farmers marker...etc...

Even though apartment living is expensive and invasive its nice not worrying about a yard and walking to the swimming pool

I love how much there is to do here!

We have loved ones in both places now...I will always appreciate small town living for the simplicity it offers. And I will always appreciate the suburbs because we MADE it our home : )

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