*This weather has been amazing! I love being able to go outside without all the layers. We even took Juju and Albus to the park the other day : )
* Strawberry Creamcheese Multigrain bagels from Dunkin....seriously....so yummy
*Hanging out with my lil family....just getting up and eating breakfast together and doing the daily routine....you appreciate it so much more when you have to work 50 hours a week
*My amazing hubby...always doing sweet things for me and always keepin me happy
*My sweet daughter...she is going to be an entertainer...always being silly and making me laugh
*Iced coffee...sometimes that can just make the day!
*SALADS! I am so sad I ran out of lettuce...but I am obssessed with them at the moment!
*Cooking...I dont get to do it often but when I can make food for my family it makes me happy
*Family and friends...Once again I dont get to see extended family or friends very often (even the ones that live near by!) but when I can find that time it is great!
*Sitting around watching reruns of the office or firefly with Jamie and laughing at the same stuff over and over again
*Bath and Body works black raspberry vanilla...that scent just reminds me of summer
*Feeling my baby move here and there...not big enough to feel all the time but when I do it makes me smile
*Naps....I love having the full feeling after you just ate and then zonking out on the couch...perfect
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