I watched a documentary called "American the Beautiful" and afterward decided I am going to be determined to like myself.
The documentary is about how much the media affects us and how we think we should look and feel. And media is EVERYWHERE..billboards, posters, banners, movies, commercials...yadda yadda yadda....afterward we watched another one called Killer at Large which is about obesiety in America. I know polar opposites but good for me...
So I started praying that
1.) God would help me to be healthy and more organic. I need to walk around a couple times a week and be healthy...I need to choose oranges over chips and baked potatoes over fries...the little things
2.) I need to love myself. There are so many time I pick myself apart but I am a beautiful woman. EVEN when I am creating a life and look like a massive blob I am what God wants me to be. (Especially if I obey number one and help myself to feel better)
I have a friend who is so happy with herself. Her name is Stac and she didn't even wear makeup to her own wedding...you know why?....because she didn't need to! SHE IS GORGEOUS and she appreciates herself for her. I want to be like that. And I am going to.
I looked in the mirror this morning...with my large belly and all...and I saw that I am carrying life and I am sacraficing my body so that another being can come into the world. Ill have these huge hips and mommy butt the rest of my life but thats ok. Because I am creating something beautiful. And I want my children to look at me and see a woman who is confident in herself and in them also. And when my little girl who may eventually look like me sees that I love myself.....she can love herself and know that she is just what I and what God wants her to be. Beautiful.
Jean! You are the sweetest friend ever! And you are so very beautiful. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently! Thanks for the awesome compliment. I know I don't always feel secure about myself, but it's great to have friends that support and love me for just the way I am.
Tell your fam I said hello. See you next weekend :D
Bryan encouraged me to consider why I wear makeup, and I've gotten used to only wearing it a couple of times a week now. Bryan sometimes asks me why I wear it at all, and I tell him "because I want to be fancy" and that's usually enough for him. It's difficult though; when we're going out to see friends I still put on some concealer and mascara. I figure it gives me that little extra oomph of self-confidence. For better or worse.
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