Saturday, March 12, 2011

Expecting the Unexpected

Jamie and I found out life changing news on Tues...we are going to have our third child!

Maybe its not too much of a life changing event as we have a 6 month old and a 2 year old...but it will change our family.

I have been feeling weird this week, not because I am not excited about baby number three, I think all babies are a blessing and I am super happy that God would allow us to have and raise a third child. I have wanted a third child our entire marriage, even before I had Jubilee, so of course it is amazing! I just did not expect it to be so soon! So I was feeling weird about getting pregnancy clothes out again, and looking like a blob that everyone calls "cute" and having moments where I am unmotivated.

I have been thinking about it and this pregnancy just needs to be different than my others. I have two children who are depending on I have to stay motivated and not want to be lazy every single day. I have have have to be productive. Also I have to keep weight off. I know that is a funny thing to say about being pregnant, but the last baby put me fifty lbs heavier than my starting weight....and I only lost half of that. I need to keep as much as I can off because I don't want to go any higher than my last weight...that is the heaviest I have been. It would be a health issue. I am going to walk everyday and try to eat good calories. Please pray for me, I have already gained three lbs...and I am sure it is because of hormones and stuff...but I am praying it stops there. Please pray for my good health and eating habits, for the baby's health and for the energy I need to give my family what it needs.

It is so strange that my baby, wont be the seems like yesterday Juju was the baby...oh wait...that's coz she is a toddler (yea I can laugh....there will be three months out of the year they line up in age... 123....9 10 11....15 16 17....God have mercy on us)

ANYWHO so it is the process of pregnancy I am dreading...which isn't like I gotta snap out of it and know that God is in control.

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