Monday, May 9, 2011

My Mother's Day

I absolutely love Mother's Day. It is the day each year that I find that I am not only spoiled rotten but I am also very very blessed. I love being a Mom and my kids and husband make me feel great doing it. I don't know what I would do without my kiddos...they make me laugh and I am just so super proud to be there Mommy. I want to be the best example I can, I pray daily that I can be the perfect balance of a great guide through this life and a good friend.  I also love calling my Mom up and sending her cards. This year I am going to make a homemade dessert for her when I see her in ten days : ) Can't wait to show off my skills and enjoy it with a cup of joe. I miss her and my Dad so much right now.

 Yesterday Jamie cleaned the entire house and got upset with me if I even TRIED to put a dry dish in the cabinets. I didn't change all but two diapers! We listened to Adele in the morning and just took our time getting around. My girls were so cute in lil dresses and it was a perfect day. Jamie's Dad took us out for lunch and we had MEXICAN! : ) AND they were giving away free desserts and margaritas to mommys...I chose the dessert LOL fried ice cream! We went to the grocery store and got some stuff we needed and ingredients for Jamie's home made chicago style pizza (which he made today..yummmm) We came home...the girls took short naps, I just chilled out and when they woke up we went outside for a bit. In the evening Bryan and MJ came over for our 80's movie night : ) LOL we watched Ferris Bueller and UHF very funny! So it was an odd mixed up day..but it was perfect and I just love my girls.
Jusi in her adorable $1.75 target special : )
Juju in her Carter's dress that I found for $2.95!

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