Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Potty Training, Ninja Number 3 and the Quest for Veggies

Just a little bit about what going on around here : )

Jubilee is pretty much potty trained! I am so excited because it hardly took her a week to get the hang of it and she is just a pro now! I should have started her earlier, she was just toooo smart for me, such a manipulative little girl ; ) How did I achieve potty training in a week? Well, I skipped training pants and diapers that's how..this is the little girl who doesn't like being dirty. As soon as she figured out that her nickers didn't hold anything...she gave in and has been a success ever since : ) AND as her reward Dad bought her her very own frosty and Grandma bought her panties : ) AHHH I see a light at the end of the potty training tunnel.

Baby number 3 is actually a ninja...I am pretty sure of it! (Just like her sisters.) She is moving EVERYWHERE! And enough that Jamie can see it from a distance! I have gained soooo much weight as well. I have already gained 20 lbs! Considering I only lost half of my weight from Justice...this is looking a little grim for me! And even Dr. Murray called me out on it! So no more cake for me and a little more physical activity! I am TRYING to hard but it is just so hot and I feel like a blob. Last night Jamie and I took the girls on a mile walk and I didn't eat anything sugary. One day down...14 weeks to go!

Our veggie pursuit is going fairly well, but as you can see I must be making up for the lack of meat with bready, carby, sugary goodness. We had our first burger in a month at a cookout the other day and it tasted really good. Still...I don't find myself missing it at home. I am pretty content with the things we come up with. It's been a little difficult trying to feed Juju....she hates veggies. A lot of them I just put in our little chopper and make it so small she can't pick it off...she does well that way. Also I learned she likes celery, which I didn't expect because she HATES the texture of lettuce.

Justice is nearly walking, she can stand on her own but gets freaked out most of the time. She has 4 teeth and is waving and pointing and shrugging her shoulders, so cute! I also love when she gets irritated or bugged, she puts both of her hands behind her head and bows her elbows out...it is just hilarious, I'll see if I can capture a picture!

I love that Jubilee and Justice are the best of buds, they love being around each other and on the same napping schedule. Just adorable how much they love each other, hugs and kisses to each other melt my heart.

Jamie is still searching for a job, we are just praying, that's all we can do. He has had loooots of art projects though so that has kept him pretty occupied.

I think that's all over here!

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