Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Just Tired

I am just super exhausted...I want to blog...I think about things to blog...I try to REMEMBER things to blog...but really I am just tired and can hardly process half the things that are going on around me :) I can only put so much brain power towards everything right now.

I have 4.5 more weeks until Jovie Christine makes her appearance! Jamie thinks she will come early because of all the braxton hicks I have been having and the other little weird, disabeling things that usually happen the week of my child's birth : )

I have also had lots of random people telling me "maybe it is a boy" which is just strange and makes me a little anxious haha since I have NOTHING boy :) but we will see....Im pretty sure Jovie is in fact a Jovie and not a Jack....I guess we will find out!

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