Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mostly Juju's Rantngs

Juju flapping her arms up around her head: Look Mommy, I have earwings just like you!

Justice to everyone in the grocery store: NO NO NO!
Little Old Man:Yes yes yes!!!!

Clerk at counter when I went to cash a money order: I cant cash has your name on it

Juju when asked what she wanted to eat: Lettuce...coz thats what Rayray would eat....She's like a rabbit!

Jubilee in the middle of McDonalds: I love, Will....Will's brown!
Amber: Jesus made all people different including our skin
Jean: It's rude to talk about people's skin color hunny
Jubilee: But I LOVE him....

Justice: Please, No, Yes, Baby, Hi, Bye, Bubbew (bubble), OKAAAAAAY, Ernie, Blankie, Mommy, Daddy, Shooo (Shoe), Boo (Boots), Bobo (Brobee from yo gabba gabba), byebye, apple

Jubilee: Can I have a snack
Jean: Maybe in a little bit
Jubilee: But I dont want to wait
Jean: You just a little bit
Jubilee to Justice: Are you hungry sissy?
Justice: YEA!
Jubilee: Okay I will go ask mommy if you can have a snack and maybe me too

Jubilee: Amberger is here!
Jean: Hunny can you say Amber
Jubilee: Amber............ger

Zack: Hey Jubilee what is your sisters name?
Jubilee: Uhm its Justice
Zack: Are you sure? Its not Jamboree??
Jubilee: N...No....its Justice
Zack: Jamboree?
Jubilee: NO! Justice!
Zack (while they are getting in the car): Bye Jubilee! Bye Jamboree!!!
Jubilee to Justice: Justice...I am sooo sorry Justice...You are NOT Jamboree! You are Justice!

Jamie: Our new van is very much the same but also very different...
Jean: It's like you went to your favorite restaurant and got the same food you always get but added hotsauce!
Jamie: Well it could be any condiment really...


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