Sunday, November 30, 2008

weekend and such

I had a pretty good weekend. I didn't really do anything but it was good : ) Friday I stayed home all day as I didn't feel good. Jamie came home and we watched a movie and hung out...that was really it. Saturday I was able to work a couple of hours...they called me in, but I didn't mind since they have cut my hours drastically lately! SO went to work, came home and made some spaghetti and watched some movies with Jamie : ) haha Today we got up for church and I was able to sing on the worship team. In Sunday School we made Christmas cards out to our missionaries and I thought that was really neat. We also had congregational sharing on the things we are thankful for! I love hearing other people talk about things they are grateful for. We came home and I slept most of the day away as I was not feeling well again. )Thats the third time this week...Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. I really wanted to stay up and hang out all day with Jamie but I just couldn't. He was so understanding too. He just hung out in bed on his laptop while I snoozed and/or relaxed. He also did kitchen clean up tonight and continously brought me things that I needed or wanted. Such a good's nice to know that on days I can't function he is willing to help me out : ) This coming weekend is MJ's wedding and I am stoked! Can't wait to see her in all of her beauty coming down the aisle! I am so blessed to be a part of it! WELL I am going to try and sleep now, even though I am all off on my sleeping pattern, it would probably be best for me to try and sleep and have a better week this week physically! Can't wait to see you Peruvians!!!! : )

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