Friday, November 28, 2008

All oppresion shall cease

Lord, there has come a point in this small existence of mine that I have realized just how sustaining You are. There has come a point in all my trials and all my so titled sufferings that You are the only answer and You are the only Hope. I realize that some trials You give to us to see how we handle them. This trial, Lord, is out of my hands. The resources you have given me have been cut and the time You have given me is running short. There is no reason to worry, as I have tried my best with the things You have allowed in my life. I have given it my all and now I turn my "I"s into "You"s, Lord. I am turning to You and giving it all to You. I am admitting that there is nothing left I can do. I am admitting that I am so insignificant without You. I am nothing. For everything I have is only because of Your Love. You have breathed life into me and allowed me to live. You have given me what little skills and talent I have, Lord. You have made up my entire being and allowed me to get this far on this earth. You have allowed me to have a wonderful marriage, wonderful family, wonderful friends. You have given me Salvation and an eternal destination. What more could I ask for? My life is Yours, this trial is yours. However You feel the need to complete this is Your buisiness and not mine. I am admitting that I am not in control and surrender my worries to You. I will keep living in gratitude for the things I have and I will look forward to the day all trials cease. The lyrics of 'O holy night' come into mind.

Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother,and in his name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we;Let all within us praise his holy name.
Christ is the lord, that ever, ever praise we.
Noel! Noel! Oh night;oh night divine!
Noel! Noel! Oh night; oh night divine!
Noel! Noel! Oh night; oh night divine!
Lord, allow me to be a living testimony for You through all of this and allow me to remember that these "trials" are trivial in comparison to eternal life and death.

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