Monday, December 15, 2008

The Adventures of Sketti and Meatball

My two cats are HILARIOUS...they make my day sometimes. They are so cuddley and cute. They loved to be held and played with. Meatball will let you pick him up and drag him around wherever. (he is so good with kids because he just lets them do whatever and goes with it, sketti is a little more frantic). Meatball can play fetch and Sketti knows when you are sad because she will hope right in your lap and try to cheer you up. Yes, life is good with these two cats. Unless....unless you are a bug.

If you are a bug do not come into this apartment as refuge from the cold winter wind...because you would be better off freezing in the snow and maybe even being stepped on than being in this apartment. Because if my cats find are done for. Whenever my cats find a bug they do the same thing everytime. They watch it for a minute....then they take a bat at it...but not hard enough to kill it....just enough to get it off track or stumble for a moment. Then they watch it again and take another bat at it...this time a little harder making it stop for a moment. Then they sniff it and put it in their mouth...and then spit the poor little creature back out...ALIVE. They are merciless!! I think it is because finding a bug is a rare occasion...and their natural hunter instinct comes into play. Then they think "why should I kill it now....I never get to do this" so they keep it alive as long as they can until the thing dies of a heart attack or Jamie and I find it and set it free. Sometimes it can be a good thing especially for me who doesnt like anything with more than 6 legs (spiders and centipede thingies...YUCK!)

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