Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Plans

WELL the original plan was that my parents were going to travel here tonight and stay till friday, BUT they have lots of snow and ice coming there way and across the state and are staying home now. *sigh* Yea, I am disappointed. I didn't like it at all...Mom didn't either and you could tell because we called each other about 5 or 6 times yesterday making sure the other was ok. "Yea, I am ok I just wasn't sure if YOU were." (we both were not ok haha) So Mom gave us some christmas money and told us to have fun. She said "Now instead of being poor and lonely, you can just be lonely..." HAHA I thought that was funny. We won't be lonely though. Jamie and I will have fun. We have never had a Christmas by ourselves before so it should be interesting to see what we come up with. So far we know that we are going to go to a Japanese Steakhouse and we are both really really excited about that! : D Maybe we will hit a movie too? I don't know but I know we will have fun together.

As far as Christmas eve we will be going over to our Pastor's house for dinner along with a few others. Then there is a multi church program that I am singing in (oo I need to practice!) so that will be neat too!

Jamie also has Friday and possibly Saturday off so we will be hanging out and relaxing. We just got into the series 24 so we might finish off the first season by the end of the week! It is so intense!!!

Our good friend Zack is coming next week at some point also and I am just so excited! He hasn't been here to see us yet and it will be WONDERFUL! : ) Him and his family are pretty much family to us.

Our time with Allison and Aaron was so fun! We were really indecisive and lazy all weekend. I think we lounged around in the living room more than anything. You know you are good friends when you can sit around and do absolutely NOTHING together and still have a blast. I felt like I was going to go into labor a few times when they were here...I was laughing so hard : ) haha

I cant wait to see Dad and Jeannie, Ricky and Cassy, and my parents and brother...wish I could see you all somehow.

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