Friday, December 19, 2008

This and That, Here and There

This week has been a pretty good week. I got to work a little, got some house work and grocery shopping in, went to an ultrasound : ) and we (hopefully if the weather is kind) have Aaron and Allison coming tonight!! WOO HOO!

Our ultrasound yesterday was amazing! We had a 4D one and I am just so amazed with everything they can do. They said that Jubilee is already 7.13 slightly scared! lol Maybe I will deliver early *cross fingers*

It snowed about 6/7 inches last night, but the roads are already cleared and I am thankful for no ice! I heard of some places that got really really bad ice and it didnt sound very fun.

I cant wait for Aaron and Allison to get here! Tomorrow is her birthday so we are just gonna hang out and maybe hit some stores for the weekend. I think they might bring their wii too so we can have a go at this wii fit.
Next week my parents might be coming for Christmas! I hope so. If not Jamie and I will still have a nice one together. Christmas eve I will be singing at a multi-church Christmas program with some other ladies in our church so I am pretty pumped about that! I love being apart of music ministry!

Jamie and I have been trying to watch what we eat. It is kind of hard for me at the moment because I really have a hankerin' for things like pancakes, coffee cake, donuts...anything sweet and breaded : ) BUT! I haven't really given in. I had some pancakes last night...but I haven't eaten anything too terrible. Jamie has been doing WONDERFUL! He has counted calories for about a week and a half now and has been lifting weights in the evening. He has already lost about 7 lbs! I am so proud of him! I hope I can be that motivated to work out once I am back on my feet! We have both decided it is time for a lifestyle change and we can do this!

Another event coming up is Ricky and Cassy's vow renewals! We are so excited to be apart of thier day. Jamie is one of the groomsmen and Jubilee will be in there somehow. They never had a ceremony when they got married and are making up for it now 5 years later. It is going to be a blast!
HAHA Jubilee has hiccups right now and it is cracking me up. She gets them about twice a day. I sometimes Jamie can feel them and he gets giddy. *sigh* can't wait till she is here! She looks soooo cute and I cant wait to hold her : )

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