So I realized it has been a while since I have posted new things about Jubilee...and since I enjoy making we go...
*She turned 5 whole whopin' months this week!
*She is going to bed, almost regularly, at 9 every evening and waking up about 7/8ish when she is fed and changed and takes another nap until about ten
*She can hold her own bottle the entire time she is eating. I dont even need to hold her anymore although sometimes I still do :)
*We went swimming with Daddy on Monday and she really really liked it! When we would lift her out of the pool she would become distraught until she was back in up to her chest again
*She loves to blow raspberrys in the air and also will make an occassional clicking noise with her toungue. She squeals and laughs and giggles and when she is upset it sounds like she is saying "mamamamamamama" which could turn into something good : )
*the only places she has been able to nap lately are in the van, in her crib, or sometimes on Mommy or Daddy's chest. I believe the crib is her favorite
*She goes right to sleep when being placed in her crib. She smiles. Grabs her pink silkie, pulls it towards her face and she is out
*She can only sleep with air blowing on or around her...she totally gets this from her Dad. I believe Aunt Cassy has these same tendancies....
*She loves her sesame street song book and music player, she loves my cell phone, she loves the cats, anything that is jingly sparkly,or flashy, she also loves her "sunny"(binky) and she loves the song mommy wrote her called "Certainly Do"
*She is doing awesome with tummy time and had rolled over a couple times
*she is weeks away from sitting on her own
*she is eating baby cereal everyonce in a while as well
I thinkt hat is about all....thats alot though huh???
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