Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hello there!

So it has been a minute since I have been on here...or several I should say! But I haven't had access to an internet connection : (

SO heres an update of things going on

Jamie, Jubilee and I went to my cousin Scotts wedding in late June and it was fantastic! Everything went perfect and I was even invited to help serve cake! I was sad that I could not go to his brother's this past weekend but I suppose that is life.

We brought Guy home with us on the way back and he has been here ever since...he will be going home tomorrow : ( which I am excited for because we are taking him but sad for because he will not be coming back.

Since he has been here we have had two of our good friends come and see him mostly but were glad to see me as well, naturally : ) one of them we hadn't seen in FOUR years! Jon, stayed for four days and we just had a blast hanging out and pretty much being bored. as we are broke.

Jubilee is getting so big! Just since the last I wrote she has learned to roll her self every which way on the floor and can nearly sit on her own. She is saying dadadada all day and would all night if she were up : ) reaching for toys and finding them if they are out of view. THEN when she finds them she sort of steers herself in that direction. She is just getting so big.

Well this has to be a short session but hopsefully I will be back soon!

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