My friend Barbara and I always come around to this conversation. God teaches you something...and then He teaches you again. She says "It feels like He is just pushing that same button over and over again". Its so true. I have no idea why God brings me back around in this same circle but He does. Lets just say the problem was....keeping my shoes tied. OK (Lame I know but it works) For some reason I have these untied shoes and I cant tie them myself. I try and I try and God just wants me to leave them be. I am slightly embarassed though because other people around me have there shoes tied...why am I unable to keep mine tied. Eventually I figure out how I can take care of it, and then they come untied again. He sends someone to help me or teach me how to double knot them. This works for a while but eventually the shoes become untied once again and I am back in the same predicament. It may be years before the shoes become untied or weeks....but for some reason it always comes back to it. Its not so much a temptation or sin He is teaching me about...its just my area of struggle....the place He keeps putting me and I just don't like it to much!
WELL My shoes are once again untied. I had them tied for a long while but I guess for some reason or another God just wants me to be content with them untied. So I am sucking it up once again and walking around with untied shoes. Its hard because I feel as though people are looking at me saying...why are her shoes untied again? Didn't she learn how to tie them? She must be irresponsible....or a retard. Either way I am ok with it this time. God is teaching me something...or someone else. Maybe I am just tying them wrong? Maybe someone else needs to learn how to help me with it? I know that eventually God will tie them back up for me...and one day I hope He gives me velcroe shoes for pity's sake : )
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