Friday, January 7, 2011

Day three of Diet and other random stuff

Today is the third day of counting calories and working out! And I have lost three pounds as of this morning : ) Today I made oatmeal again and tried it with chocolate chips and marshmellows (5 calories less than with a banana) but next time I will pass on the sweet tooth and take the banana as it is more filling. Jamie is working out with me and cutting back to and he has lost 6 pounds....silly men and there lack of hormone : )

Justice is in 9 month clothing! Isnt that crazy! I think I am goingto start her on veggies soon. I think she can handle it:) haha She can stand with support now too which just blows my mind. She has rolled over if we can get her to keep rolling and wiggle a little more and sit up lol i shouldnt put so much pressure on my 4 month old.

Jubilee is saying the funniest things
"Thank you guys"
"What's wrong"
"Where is ____"
"Justice be quiet" (in a nice smart lil booger...say a not so nice thing in a nice voice confuses mommy)
"Where did it go"
"Your malcom (welcome)"
and the one that Jamie and I were cracking up at
"Oh wow! Look at that!" (pointing at a glow worm that Justice was playing with for the first time)

She also has learned to hide things but retrieves them when I ask for them...her doodle pen, my camera, the remote control, etc. And LOVES throwing things away and has a pretty good sense of what goes in the trash and what doesnt, but always asks first.

Today I am not going to clean as much as I have been this week, think I need a break : ) Till next time!

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