Well I decided to add a new label to my blogs.. he said she said...for all the hilarious conversations I seem to encounter around here.
Juju: Look, Mommy! A cow!
Me: Oh hunny, that's an elephant. Can you say elephant?
Juju: MOOOO!!!
Mom: Well I am trying to start a compost in my yard but I don't want to throw the meat out there
Me: Why not?
Mom: Because I don't want raccoons and chipmunks and skunks...
Me: and bears
Mom: oh bears would be fine...the others just do to much damage
Me: yea your right, bears are so cute and cuddly....
Juju (all to herself): What you wanna watch? Elmo? No...no elmo..(I may tell her no to elmo like 5 times a day)
Jamie, after Juju so lovingly punched him in between his legs: I swear this kid has a vendetta on my nuts!
Me: Look at this new afghan my mom is sending me! Isn't it cool?!?
Jamie: Yea
Me: Are you lying? Do you think it is ugly?
Jamie shakes his head no
Juju: YES! (runs away)
Me: Do you want to go see Ricky tomorrow?
Juju: C'MON! (runs to the door) Lets go! Shoes! Lets go!
Me: I take that as a yes...
Jamie and I were on a date and stopping at Starbucks when he said: I was going to ask you if you mind going in but then I realized that the girls aren't in the car and we can both go inside and stand in line like to normal people.
I was teasing Juju about where the nose is located, I kept pointing to the chin or ears. She finally freaked out and said :NO MAMA! NOSE! (points at Sketti's nose) NOSE! (meatball's nose) NOSE! (Justice's) NOSE! (mine) NOOOSSSEEEE! (Juju's nose)
Juju knocking on the door while I am in the bathroom: Mama what you doing?
Me: I am on the potty, I will be out in a minute
Juju: Do you need a bath?
Me: Who is crying?
Jamie: I think it is Justice
After several attempts to get her to sleep I finally give in and bring her in the living room
Justice (all smiles): hehehe
Mom thought that she had forgotten Jamie's birthday but was actually three days early. This is what we heard on the voicemail "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Jamie, happy birthday to you...We love you Jamie, bye.....Oh man, that is gonna save my butt..."
I am sure I will have more soon...that is most of the funny stuff going on around here : )
I love these! They are a look into your lives! Thanks! Joyce
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