Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feelin' At Home

 I was out yesterday congratulating one of my high school friends, Angel. She just had her baby girl, Sianna Elizabeth...yes, I totally cried when I held her. It is so strange being back here, but in a good way. I feel like Angel and I have went right back to where we left off several years ago. We used to be inseparable, spent every moment we could together (when we were not' working). Since I didn't go away to college and neither did she, we just hung out for a few years. So weird that we have children now and are becoming these "adult" figures. Anyway, I was on my way to see her and I stopped to pick up something at the store and walking out to the car I just was hit with "I am home" kind of feeling. I really do love it here. So simple and familiar and there really is no other place like it. The only thing that I find sad is that our church family is not nearly as close to us. That's another post.

When I drive around I am just reminded of all of my high school years. All the mixed up emotions and fun times, and I am just thankful that God led me where I am. I feel like I am constantly reminiscing. But I love it. And I love connecting with people is strange how I knew that some things would be very different but I thought that I would just grow apart from people (which a couple of people I don't think it will ever be the same...but that is life) but I never expected to mend relationships or walk down the same path again. Not that some of these relationships were broken, just on different roads is all. Like Keisha, her and I chatted hours away as if years had never been between us. And of course some things don't change, like Ray, Barbara, and Marianna; all fantastic friends. (Well me and Marianna DO get along better than in high school haha)All of it makes me happy.

So I am feeling really comfortable and happy, despite my longing for good friends in other states.  

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