Justice is super sick, she got the cold from her older sister and now her eyes and nose wont stop watering/running. Today, after her nap, I had to take a warm wash cloth to them in order for them to open...they were matted shut. So not cool. My little, happy, cute monster is so sad and helpless : (
Jubilee is recovering from her cold, but is making up for her good health with crazy behavior. Not necessarily bad, just ornery. I will tell her not to do something that she already knows not to do and she will just smile at me...yea...brat : )
Jamie is super, duper busy with work. If it hadn't been for our mini blizzard than he would have been on his 8th day straight today. Fortunately he has about a 36 hour break in there. On Wednesday, he and I are going on an overnight date! WOO HOO! AND since I have amazing friends, it looks like we may go to a movie as well. I am so excited about it, but am hoping Jusi is out of the worse of it by then. It will be pretty tempting to cancel if she is still this bad. Jubilee was done with hers in like two days...and the last day was just like today. Here's hopin'.
I have been playing Mass Effect in the meantime, you know, when I am not cleaning or taking care of sickos (did I mention Jamie was sick too? haha) I have taken a short break with text broker, but want to get back into that soon.
Angel is due with her baby today, Marianna is coming over tomorrow, date with Jamie Wednesday/Thursday, Friday is unknown at this point, and Jamie's birthday is on Sat! Woooot! :)
I talk to my family like everyday...if not my parents or brother than Jamie's : ) Guy is good...I miss him. I know he is probably enjoying Korea and I am glad for that. I miss our "Chicago" crew as of lately. It's sinking in more and more that they are further than convenient. Blah.
Overall we are really blessed and feeling good in spirit...if only we could get our health there too. COME ON SPRING!
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