Friday, February 11, 2011

Special Away Day

My hubsters and I had an away day/ evening..just him and me! We dropped the kiddos off at Ray's and headed a whole whopin' 10 minutes from her home! (Don't laugh! It was Jusi's first time away from me overnight.) I have to say the location was perfect! I could have spent days there (Indianapolis area.)

Our room was absolutely adorable! It had a Whirlpool and this HUGE shower! Huge! The whirlpool was in the bathroom but had shutter that opened up so you could see the TV in the room. So cute!

We went to the mall first and shopped around. The first store we went to was the Disney store to buy something for our girls. LOL I love it : ) We had a lot of fun looking though. Another fav store was game stop where we talked nerd with the clerks and may have held up both their lines....oops : / Sorry nerdy Game Stop clerks. We didn't spend a lot of money. We knew some things we might like to have and only bought them if they were a good deal (Such as the amazing How to Make Sushi book/dvd Jamie found for 7 dollars!) We shopped to our hearts content and until our stomach's were growling. We looked at each other and said "Seafood!"

I have never been there...but we decided to be brave and go to Joe's Crab Shack (Brave as in...don't look at the bill just pay for it.) It. Was. Amazing. YUMMO! Jamie got the steam pot with two kinds of crab and shrimp and potato and sausage and a big, earthy ear of corn. I got the shrimp platter and we split everything. I was in heaven. I have never had crab legs before and I am so in love!

After dinner we went to the movies and saw Green Hornet which was hilarious, tasteful, action packed and surprisingly clean. Seth Rogan can be raunchy sometimes but I definitely think it was high school appropriate (A little language but nothing else!)

And of course the entire evening I was texting to see how my girls were doing. HAHA I did pretty well with it, I only felt my stomach turn a couple of times ; )

I woke up at 9 and ran to the breakfast line, to see them putting it away. They were gracious and let me take whatever I want and even offered to make me waffles (I declined.) I then went back to the room and we slept until 11 and that is when we woke up and ate breakfast and went back to the girls.

It was the perfect event and I felt like we were dating again. Even Jamie I feel like we are so young again!

SO there you have it..our first evening together (aside from the night we spent in the ER when I was pregger with Jusi and my parents had Juju AND I was dehydrated with an IV sticking outta me.) So that doesn't count right? SO two years its been and it was definitely worth the wait.

I loved coming home to normal life. I love my girls, they are awesome and make me smile.

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