Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Churchy Church

Have I mentioned that I miss Life Community Church? Well I do...to the point that I am comparing our church we are attending now (the one we were married in) to it...and it just isn't making the cut. I don't feel like this church we are in now even comes close to being like LCC. I know that things can't always be the same, I knew that we would be losing a valuable part of our week by moving away from LCC, but that is life. I also knew that coming back to Peru could mean that things could be different from when we first moved here, and it seems that our current church is one of those things. It isn't that they are preaching the wrong things, or their beliefs are screwy. It's just a lack of community for Jamie and myself, not necessarily their fault. Jamie works so much and finding a way to get the girls and I there is just nearly impossible. We had someone offer to ask around at church to pick us up...but no response from anyone. And that is ok. I had a good friend of mine (who goes to a different church) offer to take us there but I think because I haven't even followed through that I am just not feeling it.
 There is a church about a half a mile away from here and I think we may go and visit it....literally half a mile, walking distance. I had to very good friends who went there, Jan and Stephanie. Unfortunately Jan passed away a few years ago, but I remember really enjoying his memorial service and it was in that church. I don't know if Stephanie still goes there, but I figure it's worth a visit. If it doesn't work out I am not sure if we will still pursue our current church or go to another? I really am kind of lost about it, and I don't like being out of Christian fellowship. I guess we'll see what God has in store.

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