Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hello 228!

Sorry about my new blog location...I really wasn't sure how following and followers would be effected.

Yesterday I worked out on the treadmill for about 30 mins, I wogged (as Jamie so lovingly calls it). Wogging is like walking and then jogging and repeat : ) I woke up this morning and was excited to see 228!  : ) YAY! I stuck to counting calories pretty well today. I felt pretty sick and was considering not working out, but I managed to get 15 minutes in and about 5 of it was jogging. Enough to break a sweat...but I had to stop because my children do come first. BUT maybe tomorrow we will see 227 regardless. I feel pretty sore and tired and almost to busy for this healthy nonesense...but I really am trying. It can get stressful because I am trying to potty train my two year old and get my 6 month old to eat veggies, and neither have the same goals hahaha

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