Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Kiddos


So polite
Huge helper
Can put away trash, dirty clothes, dirty dishes
can pick up any of her toys
knows where her books and stuffed animals go
can grab diapers wipes the hairbrush a granola bar and my phone : )
Like I said...little helper
Sings Twinkle Twinkle and ABCs on her own
can count to ten
knows her basic shapes
relates people (glover goes with ricky, grandma goes with grandpa)
She also knows how to pick up a taco or a hamburger and eat it the right way : )
is in 2t


Can sit on her own
Can stand while holding your fingers
can roll over
can navigate any direction on her belly
Is starting to actually eat baby food
can pick up a small cookie and nibble on it
can clap when asked or even just when happy
says mama when she is crying
knows what no means and usually listens when I say not to do something
is in 12 months clothing
she loves any kind of fabric

I love my girls and I am so proud of them for just being them

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