Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Self Portrait

I was watching the show "what not to wear" last night. I love that show. I think it is great to look at different body types and see how fashion can make them look spectacular. I was watching a certain episode about a successful blogging mom who had a poor self esteem. She didn't like to do nice things for herself, had much negativity about her physical appearance, and rarely dressed up.

Sometimes I feel like that mother....I do get myself dressed when there is a reason, but most of the time I am in sweat pants or pajamas. I feel as though sometimes I am too busy to take a few minutes for my appearance.

As some of you know, I am trying to lose weight. I know this will probably boost my self esteem. But honestly...I want to start loving myself now. Sometimes I struggle with finding the beauty in myself, but sometimes I do feel okay about my appearance. I decided I am going to start a "Self Portrait" label at least once a week. I am going to take at least one picture of me and post it. Something that I happen to love about myself or that makes me feel great. Sometimes it is hard to do this kind of thing because than I feel as though I am bragging about myself...but I see now that it isn't about myself. I want to portray to my daughters that I am beautiful and confident in the body that God gave me. He makes all things beautiful and I am one of them. If I don't love myself can I expect to love myself when I lose weight? And what does that tell my girls?

Im not trying to become obsessed with myself or anything vain like that...just simply defeating the poor self image I allow myself to carry.

I would like to challenge any of you who feel that lack of beauty in themselves, to find it, and bring it out of yourself. Take a picture and document it. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

So here is my first...self portrait.

I LOVE my two tone hair...I think it fits this time in life for me, its fun and funky. I love my hair this blonde but Lord knows I can get fed up with the red kind of mixes it up. I also love this pink sweater. It was a christmas gift from one of my best friends and my dad told me the color fit of course that tugs on my heart strings a 'lil.

Another piece that I love is my nose ring. I wanted one a couple of years ago but then my job became pretty important and I just kind of forgot about it. Jamie likes my "lil turned up nose" as he calls it and thought a stud would be cute. I love it. Also my eye lashes are something I have always liked.


Jessica May Lords said...

You is hot.
To you mutha.
ps - you can always change it so only people you INVITE can read your blog. Just fyi, in case you have probs again.
True 'nuf.

Skipper Lou said...

AW thanks : ) I dont mind the general public looking at my is just this one stupid person...and if they put forth the effort to find me again maybe i will be a little more extreme haha

Stac-face said...

this is so exciting! It's like a covert blog. A....covlog....a blov?

Ew, I'll just stop.

But you're pretty stinkin cute. Also the only person I've ever seen who can actually pull of a nose ring. So yeah, I'll be starting a "awesome self-esteem building comment" day, which coincidentally happens to fall on your self esteem building post days! so that'll be cool.

Skipper Lou said...

hahaha a that like blog love? ; ) thanks for the support <3