Thursday, April 28, 2011

Justice is GROWING!

Today so many exciting things happened with was so fun but kinda crazy and makes me just a smidgen sad because she is coming out of the infant stage and to the busy baby stage!

Just yesterday she started sitting up on her own...that is just crazy to me. I looked over from her rolling around on the floor and she was just sitting there smilin' at me

All week she has been trying to hard to crawl and today she actually did it! It wasn't very fast and not very far, but that is OK because she will be off on her way in no time! (Once they catch on there is no stopping them!)

She also said "da-da" when prompted

AND she is picking up and feeding herself things like green beans and sweet potatoes!

I'm so happy for her! She is at such a fun stage and you can tell she is just so happy to be able to move around like all the big people around her

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