Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Kiddos

FINALLY went "potty" two days ago...but has not gone

Has a strange phobia of walkin in the grass barefooted...Jamie tried to break her of it and she simply could not move she was so disturbed

LOVES to take walks and be outside

Has a strange OCD of stuffing all of her toys and anything else on the living room floor behind her little rocking chair. (if you lose something over here that's where I would start)

Has an excellent vocabulary and surprises me with her knowledge of words everyday!

Can count to 14 and sometimes 18 but always skips 15?? Oh well she is getting there : )

Pointed out that Dora was spelled with and o!!! WOA!

Is starting to realize the difference between good and bad by pointing out every Disney villan as "Scary"

Relates people to one Rayray to Caleb, Marianna to Bryan, Glover to Ricky, or even Ricky to Pappy

Is starting to WANT to play with her sister and laugh with her which of course just tickles me pink and makes me feel so super blessed.

Is rolling everywhere! You really have to keep your eye out for her

loves paper and in to EAT...ugh...give me a heart attack!

Has her two front bottom teeth

Is now eating three baby jars of food a day and three to four bottles plus puffs and baby cookies

Loves pieces of sweet potato and banana to feed herself

Sleeps nearly through the night...but gets up really early...still trying to work on that : )

Has crazy insane blondish curly locks and I LOVE them

Has peircing blue eyes

While Jubilee was a grinning fool at Justice's age....Justice seems to have a mischevious smirk about her almost to say "Im ammused but you cant make me laugh"

Justice used to be really bad about need 24 hour attention but now naps, plays, and sits on her own, and can be content.

She also has a tendancy to go from really quite and content to passionately vocal or even angry. There is NO grey area : ) starting to really see a personality with this one.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Just wanted to tell you about Jubilee with the barefoot feet in the grass thing.... PLEASE... listen on this one. Coming from a mother that has had her children in Occupational therapy for 4 years now... DON'T force it. It's tactile defensiveness and trying to force her to get over it makes it worse. There are many things you can do to help her overcome it, but it is the way her body is regulating the "feel" response to her brain. Honestly everyone has sensory issues. This is just hers. I first noticed my son would freak out on grass and had no idea why. When he attended therapy works for this... It opened my eyes to a ton of other little things that I had missed or passed off as cute lil' things he did. It's nothing to be scared about and can even be helped. Try looking up information on sensory integration disorders in toddlers/ infants and research it for yourself. Anyways, sounds like your girls are growing up so fast. I always hated/loved that about mine. I loved to see how smart they were, but hated how fast those moments would slip through my fingers.