Monday, June 27, 2011


We have been going to Crossroads church, about a half an hour away from here. I have really really enjoyed it. Only problem is the same one we always car...Jamie working....driving half an hour away doesn't always fit our schedule. I was actually starting to get bummed out, once again. It is such a great place to be...and when I found that we couldn't go for a couple of months I just got bummed!

My friend, Ray, told me about a friend of hers who was planting a church, literally around the corner from my house. (a 15 minute walk) They are called Epic. While they are not associated with any particular denomination, they have plans to join a group that is involved with Mark Driscoll or a group involved with the general baptist. They went over there core beliefs and values last Sat night at a "practice" service. I took the girls while Jamie was at work and just really soaked up the heart that people are putting into this new congregation. Among the core values they included that they thought it was important to change with culture, making it clear they are not crowd pleasers...but now that communication and the way messages are delivered may change over the course of time due to the change in our culture. I really appreciated this.

They still have a lot up in the air for them and I am not sure how big they will be..but I feel very connected to their efforts and can see our family building into it given the Lord wills it. Jamie still needs to check it he will be going to their next service on the 10th. If he feels called to it I could see this being a place we make our permanent home church. As much as I love crossroads and the people there...I feel like it has just been like pulling teeth to get there. We will see what God brings. Please pray for guidance for us as we decide where we are called.

1 comment:

Stac-face said...

Good luck with your search. I'm sure that any church you decide to attend will be grateful to have such an awesome family in their congregation.