Monday, June 27, 2011

My Girls

 I just love my girls. I don't know how often I say that...but I just feel so super blessed to have them both. They are my joy and just make my life so hilarious and fun. When you become a parent your entire life changes...late nights, boo boos and heart aches, potty training, life skills, etc...but I know that teaching them, mentoring them, helping them grow and just being there for them is why I am here. It is my life, my here and now and I am just so thankful that God feels I am strong enough to raise them.

Jubilee is such an adorable, independent, little helper. She is always helping her little sister or mommy with everything! Throwing away trash, grabbing a diaper, putting up the wipes, cleaning up toys, putting laundry in the hamper...she is so stinkin' smart! I love that she plays with her sissy (but is still learning that she is not ruler of the toys! Don't get me wrong...she will share...but it has to be on HER terms)She is also protective of her. If sissy cries she wants to know why and immediately does what she can to help (blankies and toys.) She also needs to know where she is, especially if mommy is away and they are with someone else. All of that with her incredible amount of happy energy and dance moves. She is amazing!

Justice is just as adorable, slightly dependent and my quick little learner. She loves watching and mimicking people, especially her sister. If her sister dances, she dances. If her sister plays, she plays. She can hardly take a nap without her sister in the room. She also is kind of a bully...but in a funny way. She will tackle her big sister to the ground, in a polite funny way, and just crawl on her...all while Juju is in hysterical laughter. She is still a cuddle bug and just likes to sit with you and snuggle up against you. She is tough when it comes to teething and diaper rashes, as long as someone is around. She just loves company.

Can't wait to see what Jovi Christine brings to our little family!

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